MIDDLE EAST: Leaders Arising Amidst Christian Persecution
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  • Marriage as Ministry

    Marriage as Ministry

    February 9, 2018
    Tom and JoAnn Doyle have been married almost 38 years, and God has used their marriage to draw others to Christ in the United States and even in the Middle East. Listen in as they share how they’ve seen God use their marriage. They’ll tell you what Muslims see as different about a Christian marriage and how they have worked to balance God’s call to ministry and marriage in order to be successful at both. Tom and JoAnn will also share some real-life examples of how they’ve dealt with conflict, and give specific advice for different stages of your marriage. As we approach Valentine’s Day next week, spend a half hour thinking about marriage as ministry, and pray that God will use your marriage to bring others to Christ.
    24 MIN
  • “Standing in the Fire”
    For Christians in Syria and other Middle East nations, human logic is clear: get out! Go someplace safe! In spite of such advice, Tom and JoAnn Doyle tell us many Christians are choosing to STAY and serve the Lord and witness for Christ. These bold brothers and sisters are standing in the fire of war and persecution, and they are finding—just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did—that God is standing with them. Listen to the story of Jamila, a 12-year-old girl healed from cancer after a Christian man prayed for her in Jesus’ name, leading to hundreds of Druze people coming to faith in Christ. That’s just one of the stories in Tom Doyle’s new book, Standing in the Fire. You’ll be encouraged as you hear what God is doing in the Middle East, and challenged as Tom and JoAnn give insights into how we, Christians in free nations, can emulate the lessons offered by our brothers and sisters standing in the fire. Order “Standing In The Fire” by Tom Doyle (affiliate link http://amzn.to/2ni1lX).
    28 MIN
  • JoAnn Doyle: Reaching Muslim Women
    Muslim women face oppression in society and even in their own families, sometimes forced to hide even their very faces from the world. JoAnn Doyle leads an outreach to share the truth with Muslim women that they are Not Forgotten, that Jesus Christ loved them so much He even gave His life for them. Listen in as JoAnn shares how we can reach out to Muslim women, even through simple acts of kindness and conversation. We’ll also answer a question from a reader about how Christians inside the world’s most closed nation—North Korea—pray and worship Jesus Christ.
    28 MIN
  • Tom Doyle: “When Jesus Calls, He Equips”
    Tom Doyle, author of the books Killing Christians and Dreams and Visions, shares more this week about the true nature of Islam and how the God of the Bible is reaching and rescuing Muslims in the Middle East. Tom will also share how he deals with fear as he goes into dangerous places, and suggests ways that American Christians can reach out to Muslims living in our cities and neighborhoods, even if we don’t have a graduate degree in apologetics. We’ll also discuss specific ways to pray for people in the Middle East, both our Christian brothers and sisters and Muslims. Purchase Tom Doyle’s books at VOM Books. Dreams and Visions: https://secure.persecution.com/p-5330-dreams-and-visions.aspx?source=VOMRADIONT Killing Christians: https://secure.persecution.com/p-6134-killing-christians.aspx?source=VOMRADIONT
    28 MIN
  • Tom Doyle: No Panic in Heaven
    Tom Doyle, author of a new book about Christians facing persecution in the Middle East, tells us that, in spite of the advance of Islamic State, God is changing the hearts of people in the region as Christians continue to boldly share the gospel message in spite of the risks and violence. He’ll share the story of a Muslim convert forced to choose between her daughter and her Savior, and a group of pastors ready to die rather than leave the work God has called them to in Syria. Tom also challenges Christians in free nations to live with the same boldness and faith, and reminds us that believers facing persecution are praying for Christians in America.
    28 MIN